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Adaptive nail brush

What is an adaptive nail brush?

An adaptive nail brush usually has little plastic suckers that stick to the floor, basin, bath, or worktop so that you can clean your nails without having to hold the brush and direct its movement. Most models are inexpensive and can be very helpful if you've been in the garden or doing DIY. An adaptive nail brush is useful if you have a hand tremor, upper limb weakness, you have arthritis, pain, or fatigue.

Everyday tips to help maintain your independence

A few simple processes and assistive products will make everyday bathroom tasks easier. You can see some suggestions to help you in the bathroom by following the link below.

In the Bathroom

Suggested places to purchase

Here are some suggested suppliers of products. We recommend you research to find the best fit for your situation and your budget.

Red and blue SuperPharmacyPlus logo


SuperPharmacyPlus is a one stop shop for chemist products and mobility equipment. Empowering you to live a happy, healthy life.

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Blue and green Better Care Market logo

Better Care Market

Better Care Market is your number destination for practical home healthcare essentials, daily living products, and mobility aids.

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Blue Platinum Health Supply logo

Platinum Health Supply

Platinum Health Supply is an Australian-owned and operated company selling healthcare products that enhance the quality of life.

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